Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Trader Joe's mini gingerbread men FTW!

It is absolutely freezing here! We did get some errands done: library. post office (argh!) Trader Joe's & the pet store for kitty stocking stuffers (shhhh!). Willow is suspicious though, he sniffed and thoroughly explored the bag they came in. Teehee! It's not that I need to *surprise* them it's that I like giving them all the toys at once cause they get excited and scramble around in the wrapping paper chasing balls & stuff.

That little gingerbread man up there? Yeah, he is DELICIOUS!! I have a whole box of yummy little men and we may need more before Christmas. Also bought this:
I think it's a gift? Or maybe I'll make him myself. Damn cute little (big!) guy, though.
UPS came right before we went out. Big Sephora box is BIG excitement here! Lots of goodies and I'm not sure who is getting what right now. Need to sort through it, work it out and wrap everything. I think we're nearly done shopping (when the packages get here) though. Just need to wrap up the loose ends. Maybe I need to find the rest of G's gifts, but I think that'll be easy.

TONIGHT? We TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! Ummm... or, put up the tree <3

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